November 17, 2009 - Tidewater Real Estate Investors Group Virginia Beach, VA (Estimated Attendance 100)
February 16, 2010 - Tidewater Real Estate Investors Group Virginia Beach, VA (Estimated Attendance 100)
​"Steve, last night I witnessed one of the most courageous and heart felt displays of humanity I have probably witnessed in my life. I want to thank you for addressing the members last night and more importantly would like for you and Rachel to know that whatever I can do to help you i am prepared to assist.
April 8, 2010 - Peninsula Real Estate Investors Association Newport News, VA (Estimated Attendance 75)
"A great presentation! Very courageous of you to get out there and use your problem to try to help others!"
May 13, 2010 - Sea Shore Realty Office Meeting Virginia Beach, VA (Estimated Attendance 15)
"Steve, Thank you so much for speaking to the Realtors in my office! Your topic was powerful and you were very informative. You reinforced the training we received as realtors that can easily be forgotten when we get caught up in the moment of trying to make a problem deal work. Your point was clear...No amount of money is worth compromising our ethics and running the risk of losing our license or even prison! Ethics is not always the most exciting subject, yet you found a way to make it entertaining and interesting so that my Realtors were able to grasp the importance of their ethical duties!"
May 20, 2010 - Richmond Real Estate Investors Association Richmond, VA (Estimated Attendance 20)
"A powerful message presented in an entertaining fashion. Keep doing what you are doing. You really made us stop and think!"
June 10, 2010 - Coastal Real Estate Investors Association Wilmington, NC (Estimated Attendance 50)
"Steve, it was nice meeting you at the Wilmington Reia group last week. I certainly enjoyed your presentation regarding your recent situation. As a lawyer myself, I certainly empathize with your situation and certainly wish you the best going forward. It takes alot of courage to get out there and speak about your personal and professional problems and attempt to educate others on the right and wrong ways to practice real estate in the market today. I hope that you continue to spread the word and tell folks about your situation and hopefully the lesson will sink in with some of the folks you are attempting to reach!"
June 15, 2010 - Triangle Real Estate Investors Association Raleigh, NC (Estimated Attendance 150)
"It's was great having someone speak from the heart with nothing to sell and no underlying motivation besides the sincere desire to teach people how to stay out of trouble."
June 16, 2010 - Video recorded interview with Professor Charles Oates Regent Law School
"It was a great presentation because it really hit home the fact that Professional Ethics can dramatically change your life if not followed, and it can happen to those who are not intending to do anything wrong. Your story certainly made me want to learn everything I can about Professional Responsibility!"
"It was a great way to start off out class, and very helpful in showing the standard we need to set for ourselves in critically evaluating both our actions and our staff's actions- especially in fast paced, high volume transactional situations!"
​'I thoroughly enjoyed hearing from Steve about his experience. It made me realize the seriousness of being an attorney and the high standard which we are held to. Also, it gave me a new appreciation for the class, which will have an impact on the way I study. Thank you so much for sharing with us!"
June 27, 2010 - Jacksonville Real Estate Investement Association (Estimated Attendance 20)
"Serious subject matter but still entertaining. I know our members benefited from your presentation. It was a great way to use your experience to show others that you dont necessarily need to have bad intentions to commit a crime."
January 17, 2012 - Elon School of Law (Estimated Attendance 150+)
"The Gunther’s presentation impacted me by illustrating how easily one can fall into the trap of fraud. It is not something that needs to be sought, because other people will bring it to you – sometimes without you realizing it. The way that it affected their family, and the fact that they stuck through such a tough trial, was touching. They truly made me want to be thorough and vigilant enough to avoid such situations in my future practice."
February 6, 2012 - Ocean Lakes High School (Estimated Attendance 400+)
"I really enjoyed your presentation today! I think you really hit a nerve with our students and I wish you and your lovely wife all the best!"
February 21, 2012 - Tidewater Real Estate Investors Group (TRIG) (Estimated Attendance 140)
April 11, 2012 - All / Pros Realty Virginia Beach, Virginia (Estimated Attendance 35)
August 8, 2012 - Fidelity National Title Insurance Company (Estimated Attendance 65)
"I attended the seminar that you spoke at on August 7th sponsored by Fidelity National Title. I found your story to be very touching and inspirational. Having been in the title business since 1984 I can truly relate to the pittfalls that we are subjected to each and everyday. I shared your story with my broker at the William E. Wood location off Shore Drive and she asked if you would be interested in speaking to our agents."
August 20, 2012 - Regent University School of Law Virginia Beach, Virginia (Estimated Attendance 75)
"Wow! What a real-life practical learning experience on the first day of class! That really got our attention! I appreciated both Steve’s and Rachel’s attitude of openness and accountability – not just in “owning up” to what happened in their lives, but to be willing to share their experience with aspiring lawyers so that we can learn vicariously how serious these matters are."
"I thought Steve and Rachel's presentation was very helpful. Often, law students think of ethics as a concept that is subjective and relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of what we are to learn in law school. However, Steve presented our ethical responsibility in a way that is tangible and effective concerning our careers as lawyers. I appreciate his and Rachel's transparency in the mater, and would encourage him to continue to warn and motivate the professionals of tomorrow."
"Thank you for taking your valuable time to impress upon us the importance not only of knowing the law and our responsibilities as lawyers but also to routinely apply the law in every single transaction ethically. I am very grateful for your willingness to share with us from your experience with the hopes that we will avoid a similar fate through our diligence to pursue excellence in the law but to also not cut corners even if we don’t think it is illegal at the time. Thank you for encouraging us in this manner; true life stories sure beats reading about the implications in a textbook."
September 5, 2012 - William E. Wood & Associates Realtors Virginia Beach (Estimated Attendance 50)
October 25 & 26, 2012 - University of St. Thomas Law School Minneapolis, MN (Estimated Attendance 50)
October 27, 2012 - State Bar of Wisconsin Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin (Estimated Attendance 90)
November 8, 2012 - Realtor / Lawyer Lunch Hampton Roads Realtor's Association Chesapeake, Virginia(Estimated Attendence 85)
"I would like to personally thank you for coming to our Realtor/Lawyer Committee meeting last week. Your message was incredible and extremely well delivered. The feedback we have received has been very positive. You have been an inspiration to so many and will continue to keep the rest out of trouble by what you are doing. I really appreciate your willingness to share your story with us."
"I'm going to check your calendar to see if you have any talks coming up at other locations. I have a wonderful son who is 20 and he has always wanted to get into law as he spent his time as a little fellow at my side with me when I worked in various law firms. He's always had a love for it just as I did. I think your talk would be a good thing for him to hear for so many reasons."
"I was at HRRA's REALTOR/Lawyer yesterday and enjoyed your presentation. Thanks for doing it!Not even ONE of my agents was in attendance, but I would like to have them hear your message. I would like to schedule you to speak to my agents in the near future."
January 17, 2013 - TowneBank University (6001 Harborview Blvd, Suffolk, VA 23435). (Estimated Attendance 125)
February 5, 2013 - Prudential Towne Realty Sales Meeting Virginia Beach, Virginia (Estimated Attendance 45)
April 4, 2013 - Hampton Roads Realtors Association (Continuing Education Credit) (Estimated attendance 75)
April 17, 2013 - Re/max Alpha Realty Moyock, North Carolina (Estimated Attendance 12 & a Dog!)
“I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation yesterday morning and received a number of favorable comments regarding your visit from the agents as well. Your delivery was quite engaging; by any measure you are an effective speaker and educator. The general consensus seems to be, there are lessons in your misfortune for us all...”
“Thanks for sharing your story. It was eye opening!”
​“Much appreciated...A splash of reality!”
May 9, 2013 - Peninsula Real Estate Investors Association Peking International Buffet Hampton, VA (Estimated Attendance 85) Program: "Attorney To Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
June 18, 2013 - Stewart Title Chesapeake, VA (Estimated Attendance 65)
Program: "Attorney To Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
26. September 4, 2013 - Open Door Church Edenton, NC (Estimated Attendance 55) Program: " Facing Adversity”
27. November 6, 2013 - Bridge Trust Title (Formerly Pioneer Title)
(Estimated Attendance 65)
Program: "Attorney To Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
28. February 18, 2014 - Triangle Real Estate Investors Association (TREIA)
Raleigh, NC
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
29. March 5, 2014 - Hampton Roads Chapter Risk management Association
Town Center Virginia Beach, VA
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
30. August 19, 2014 - Fulton Bank Commercial Group Breakfast Workshop
Virginia Beach, VA
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
31. September 4, 2014 - Hub City REIA
Hagerstown, Maryland
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
32. September 9, 2014 - Albemarle Association of Realtors
Elizabeth City, NC
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
33. September 12, 2014 - Chesapeake Econ. Development Advisory Committee
Chesapeake, VA
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
34. October 23, 2014 - Chicago Title Attorney and Title Underwriter Continuing Education, Fairfax, Virginia
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
35. November 12, 2014 - Chicago Title Attorney and Title Underwriter Continuing Education Williamsburg, Virginia
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
36. February 28, 2015 - 4th Circuit American Bar Association--Law Student Division Conference, William and Mary Law School Williamsburg, Virginia
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
37. March 24, 2015 - Hertford Rotary Club Hertford, NC
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
38. April 1, 2015 - Associated Builders and Contractors - Virginia Chapter: Young Leaders, Norfolk, Virginia
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
32. May 7, 2015 - Fidelity National Title; Attorney and Title Underwriter Continuing Education, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
39. June 6, 2015 -Virginia Land Title Association Annual Convention, Attorney and Title Underwriter Continuing Education, Williamsburg, Virginia
Program: "Attorney to Inmate...What Went Wrong?"
40. September 11, 2015 - Greensville Correctional Institution GED Commencement Speaker, Greensville, Virgin
41. September 25, 2015 - Greensville Correctional Institution GED Commencement Speaker, Greensville, Virginia
42. October 9, 2015 - Greensville Correctional Institution GED Commencement Speaker, Greensville, Virginia